Posts Tagged book review


Any conversation about American food culture eventually comes around to a familiar set of topics: the decline of the "family dinner", the pervasiveness of fast food, and ways to make cooking more convenient.

Food Politics: Who’s Really in Control?

The failure of federal efforts to feed the poor cannot be divorced from our nation's agricultural policy, the congressional committees that dictate that policy, and the Department of Ag that implements it.

Biology 101: Understanding Refined Grains and Sweetener Differences

I didn’t read Michael Pollan’s In Defense of Food until last month.

Tomatoes that Taste like Tomatoes

That’s the question Barry Estabrook uses as a jumping off point for his new book, Tomatoland.

Finally: Putting the CAFO out to Pasture

The CAFO Reader has been a long (clearly, I started over four months ago!) and challenging read.

Part 6: Technological Takeover

What image comes into your head when you hear the phrase ‘technological takeover’?

A Well- Timed Discussion & Part 5

I attended a panel discussion several weeks ago at NYU that corresponded perfectly with the section I just finished in The CAFO Reader--in fact, the timing of the panel felt almost like I had planned it.

Part 4: The Loss of Diversity

I found Part 4 of The CAFO Reader to be dense and slightly repetitive.

Part 3: Inside the CAFO

Each summer in elementary school, my brother and I would participate in the summer library program.

Part 2: Myths of the CAFO

“Once plants and animals were raised together on the same farm.

Part 1: The Pathological Mindset of the CAFO

Fittingly enough, Part 1 of The CAFO Reader starts from the true beginning of the development of industrial meat production.

Gathering my Thoughts: The CAFO Reader

Some people assign themselves enjoyable New Year’s resolutions along the lines of ‘See friends more’ or ‘Take time for me’.

Nature Pulls You Forward: Joan Gussow’s Organic Life

Joan Gussow exhibits a multitude of consistent character traits that I can only one day humbly hope to possess.

Book Review: The Town that Food Saved

My mother loves to clip out articles from newspapers and magazines and send them my way.

Book Review: The Murky Ethics of Eating Fish

Bottomfeeder was as well-researched as an advanced college textbook…though most college textbook authors don’t travel around the world for over a year, meeting fish farmers, touring factories and fish markets, and even eating potentially life-threatening foods like puffer fish.

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish…Polluted Fish

Frankly, Bottomfeeder isn't an easy book to read.

Book Review: Notes on ‘Righteous’ Eating

As partially expected, Niman talked about similar issues (and even farmers) that Jonathan Safran Foer and Michael Pollan have written about.

Book Review: Reflections on ‘Eating Animals’

For the past 7 months or so, I have been completely immersed in all things ‘food related’.